Coconut oil – a cure for almost everything

It’s my favorite oil!!

Because you can do so much with it!

You can use it in the kitchen, for cooking and baking and in the bathroom, for your hair, your skin and your mouth hygiene ❤
Maybe it doesn’t work for every skin and hair type. You should try it yourself to find out 🙂

Here are some points, what coconut oil is useful for:

  1. Skin moisturizer – use it like a bodylotion and maybe add a few drops of your favorite essential oil flavor. Maybe lavender before sleep, or some grapefruit, as I read, it reduces cellulite!
  2. Hair mask / Conditioner – I like to leave it in over night and shower in the morning or 1-2 hours before I wash my hair. You don’t need any conditioner anymore. This will be the natural one from now on 🙂
  3. Irritated skin / rash – use it on the section where your skin is irritated or shows part of an allergy. I used it many times, when I had something in the past and actually most times before I got the appointment with a doctor, it was gone… as it actually “eats” the bad bacteria.
  4. Make-up remover – just take a bit on your face and remove it with some cotton ball or just rinse it with water. It’s so much better than every product from the store, as its gentle to your skin. But of course, waterproof make-up is a bit harder to remove with that 😉
  5. Sun protection – it doesn’t have much maybe about 5 SPF but its the “just in case”, if you have no sun protection with you
  6. After Sun lotion – it helps to bring the redness of your skin down and cools it off.
  7. Massage oil – i guess i don’t need ti explain it 😉 but you can add essential oils coconut isn’t your favorite smell or for a little change 🙂
  8. Deodorant – it kills the smelly bacteria
  9. Bath oil – for the smell of coconut and a soft skin after the bath
  10. Flu helper – use a few essential oil peppermint drops and rub on to your chest, when you have a stuffed nose, or calf to help breath again
  11. Mosquito bites – it helps to reduce the itchiness
  12. Wounds – coconut oil is antibacterial so perfect for little scratches
  13. Lower cholesterol – eat one teaspoon a day (just like that or in your smoothie).
  14. Kills Candida – one tablespoon a day + oregano oil supplements (that’s a bonus!)
  15. Improves your digestion
  16. Balances blood sugar and you will have more energy
  17. Fat burn… don’t know if coconut only helps, but if you combine it with a healthy lifestyle, I would say for sure 🙂
  18. Wood polish – I was reading something about that it works. Never tried, but as I see coconut oil as a perfect all-rounder, I would believe it! Let me know, if you try!

And so on…

I guess I wouldn’t be done till tomorrow, if I try to tell you every little thing you could do with coconut oil.

Please feel free to leave a comment, if you have something important to add here 🙂

Much love
