My story about the Yoga studies at Trimurti in Goa, India


One year ago I went to India to get my Yogateacher certificate and this is what I wrote right after I returned:

After 4 weeks in Goa/India for my yoga studies and no connection to the rest of the world, as I didn’t turn on my phone for the whole month (almost… there where 2 evenings, in the last week, where I checked it, because I wanted to see if I’ve got any job offer).

Which is so refreshing! We are so stuck with our phones sometimes, that we forget to live in the beauty of now…
The place i went to is called Trimurti (located between Agonda and Palolem, in the middle of nowhere, which is good to not get distracted) and I have to say they are wonderful people and care a lot about their students! It’s like a family from the second you arrive there ❤

But let me start from the beginning:

I decided to do this training, because modeling started to be a bit uncomfortable, as I turned 30 (I love this age by the way!), the agencies try to still push me for the young jobs. But for that they want me to lose some more kilos in a short time, so I don’t lose time for bookings… I started to question myself, “Am I really ok with loosing more weight in a short time and making my body probably sick?”

My answer was “NO!”

If I get in shape it needs planing! workout, good diet and healthy lifestyle… It can’t be done in a week or two!
(Funny enough, just a quick note on the side: I was yesterday at the agency to get new Polaroids and checking measurements and I’m in perfect shape now, after one month constantly yoga, good food and healthy living, including cleaning out my mental stuff!)

It’s all about letting go 🙂
Proved! I needed something to balance myself, so I’m not getting so stressed about this Job anymore and can take the jobs as they come & the ones which are meant to be mine…
I felt in love with yoga on my first trip to Cape town in 2011 (thanks to my friend Sofia, who took me to my first class) and I loved it every moment more and more.

Since 3 years I think about being a yogateacher myself and traveling the world with that skill.
Finally August 2015 I took the decision to do it and booked for february 2016 with Trimurti.

Somehow february was always the date for me to do it, but actually in the Himalayas… I just realized after some research, that it’s definitely to cold for me there in february 😉 And after I run over the Trimurti webpage the 3rd time already, I knew this is the right place to go.

Everyone who knows me well, knows how hard it is for me to commit to something and especially in such a “far” future!
Closer to the leaving date, I’ve became really nervous. I’m usually not nervous for traveling the world, but this time it was different… I knew it will change my life
On the day I arrived, I felt in love with India right away.

Yes it’s dirty, yes its hot, yes its loud, yes sometimes it smells really bad, yes its crazy and chaotic, BUT it’s also full of amazing colors, delicious food, helping hands and this calming touch in the chaos
It teaches you to live with less (even if the markets there will trigger you to buy more, but I would also include here less rollercoaster in the mind), to live without electricity sometimes, to shower with cold water and to be patient & to stay calm in the chaos!

Now I know why Yoga is a big thing in India, it helps you to handle all this 😉
The studies itself was hard work!

Everything was in english (so not my mother tongue) and we had 2 asana classes a day. I was used to max. every 2nd day a class, so it was amazing but exhausting in the same time.


Daily schedule

Our day looked like this:

6:30-7am mantra singing and meditation

7-9am yoga asanas

9-10am breakfast in silence (which I loved, because you start to pay attention again, to what you eat and how it actually tastes!)

10-11:20am anatomy

11:40-1pm different topics, as yoga basics, yoga culture, yoga business, chakras, and so on…

1-2pm lunch

2-3:20pm philosophy

3:40-5:10pm alignment & adjustments

5:30-7pm yoga asanas

7-8pm dinner

And I was usually between 9 and 10 in bed, as i was so exhausted
For everyone to understand, what asana is: it is what we in the west understand as the yoga “workout” class. We forgot here that yoga is not just the physical work, it’s so much more! It is also diet (healthy & fresh food, no junk food), proper breathing, meditation, and the whole lifestyle!
One of my favorite classes was on saturday, where we had a sharing circle before lunch, which was basically an hour of expressing our feelings with words, dance, hugs and looking in each others eyes ❤
We learned so much about ourselves, each other and living together. We were there for each other, helping each other and shared hugs, wherever & whenever needed.
I’ve got to know such amazing and beautiful people in this course!

And I know even we maybe won’t see each other or text each other every day, we are all connected ❤
I wish that everyone is taking this feeling with them to the outside of Trimurti and pass it on, so we can all start living in love and peace with ourselves, our body&soul and every living being again ❤
One last thing, I want to share my favorite Mantra with you 🙂

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Here are some pictures for you 🙂

Trimurti, the place and our food we got:




Some impressions from me, my collegues and our study-time:




Our certification day = celebration day 🙂



Some impressions of India:



Much love to all of you
